terça-feira, 29 de setembro de 2009

September 30 - Secretary´s Day

Today, is the day that your phone will not stop ringing.
Get the sincere good wishes to take up your phone line.Congratulations on your dedication, competence, and especially for their existence.

'Apenas uma mensagem parabenizando a todos os profissionais de secretariado pelo seu dia!!"

segunda-feira, 28 de setembro de 2009

Etiquette tips for your interview success

Interview Etiquette Before the Interview

1. Your hair should be clean and combed.
2. Nails should be clean and trimmed.
3. Be conservative and err on the side of caution. If the company does not have a dress code, remember that its better to overdress than underdress.
4. Arrive at least 10 minutes before your interview. The extra minutes will also give time to fill out any forms or applications that might be required.
5. Turn off your cell phone or pager.
6. Don't assume that whoever greets you is the receptionist.

Interview Etiquette During the Interview

1. Make a positive and professional first impression by being assertive and giving a firm handshake to each interviewer and addressing each interviewer by name as he or she is introduced.
2. Reinforce your professionalism and your ability to communicate effectively by speaking clearly and avoiding "uhs", "you knows", and slang.
3. Use appropriate working. You won't receive extra points for each work that has more than 10 letters. Use technical terms only when appropriate to the question.

Interview Etiquette After the Interview

1. Shake each interviewer's hand and thank each interviewer by name.
2. Send a thank you note as soon after the interview as possible.

Text from:

Dicas para uma entrevista de emprego.

Devemos nos preocupar muito com a impressão que iremos passar, pois a primeira que ficará registrada na mente do entrevistador.
Preocupar-se sempre em usar roupas discretas, cabelos penteados, unhas limpas.
Ser pontual, de preferência chegue 10 minutos antes, durante a entrevista sempre desligue o aparelho celular, responder as perguntas de forma clara e objetiva, nunca use gírias, memorize o nome entrevistador é de bom tom na saída cumprimentar agradecendo a oportunidade ao entrevistador pelo nome dele.

Combed: penteados
Trimmed: cortado
Be conservative : Ser conservador

Organising meetings

Organising a successful meeting takes time and planning. Try to allow plenty of time to

plan and publicise the meeting and ask others to help. There are a number of elements to

consider when planning a meeting.


What is the central purpose of the meeting? Why is it important for members to be there?

Thinking about the purpose will enable you to clarify what needs to be covered and keep

control of the agenda. If the purpose is advertised clearly then this will help generate

attendance and support for the meeting. Think about inviting non-members; this is not

always appropriate but it can build support for issues and offer an opportunity for

recruitment at the same time.

Time and place

Think about when would be the best time for a meeting. Ask departmental representatives

what they think. If your campaign is aimed at a particular group of people, such as parttimers

or contract research staff, then check with someone from that group to ensure that

you plan the meeting for a time when they will be able to attend. Consider whether your

campaign would be best served by one large general meeting or meetings held in specific

departments – how are you going to involve the greatest amount of people? Consider the

dates of other meetings that you may need to feed into, for example: local committee,

general, or college/university meetings. The venue needs to be comfortable and accessible

for everyone. If the meeting will involve people from other sites consider rotating the



Don’t make the meeting too long. Let people know in advance when it will end so they

know what they are committing themselves to.


Always a good idea, particularly if you are going to be holding your meeting at lunchtime.

When you plan your campaign you should have built in specific resources for this type of

event. Think about how you are going to organise the refreshments. You need to make

sure that people are paying attention to the subject being discussed and are not being

side-tracked on how they can balance their plates and coffee at the same time! If you

provide food then give people time to sort themselves out at the beginning before you

start the meeting.


Involve as many people in organising the meeting as possible. You could, ask people if

they would be willing to, for example: bring refreshments; photocopy and distribute the

agenda; help to set up the room; talk about an experience or concern they have had

related to your campaign; take notes and write up a report; or, very helpfully, bring along

colleagues, particularly new members of staff.


Members need to know that the issues covered at the meeting will be relevant to them and

that they will be able to discuss issues that are important to them. You need to decide

whether you want this meeting to be specifically about your campaign or whether you are

using your campaign as an issue to get members along to hear about other associated

issues as well. Make sure that you are clear about the issues to be discussed in your



􀂄 Don’t put too many things on one agenda.

􀂄 If you have a lot of information to present, involve a number of different people.

􀂄 Ensure that there is alternation between presentations and discussions.

􀂄 Leave plenty of time for discussion.

􀂄 Make sure the discussion has a purpose. It helps if there is something you want

members to decide, advise you on, plan, or help you with.

􀂄 There’s no point in making decisions unless you intend to implement them.

What will implementing the decisions involve? Leave time in the meeting to

discuss implementation plans and to identify who will take responsibility for what.

􀂄 Write an agenda with approximate times for how long each item will take. Think about

what the meeting will feel like for participants.

􀂄 Decide who will facilitate the meeting.


Inviting a guest speaker to your meeting can make the event more interesting to your

members. If you do decide to do this, then make sure that this is included in the publicity.

If the person is a guest speaker from outside the college or university then make sure that

someone is assigned to look after them. Make sure that they know when to turn up and

Ask them for a commitment to attend the meeting – people will judge the importance of

the meeting on what you tell them. If you are easily put off, they’ll think it doesn’t really

matter. Being persistent about getting a commitment lets them know that their presence is


Facilitating the meeting

Most workplace meetings can be fairly informal and this is often more comfortable for

everyone. However, informality sometimes means that it’s comfortable for people who are

already in the know, but not for newcomers. It’s important to make sure that everyone

knows who everybody is, knows any conventions you observe about how discussions are

conducted, understands what is being discussed, and is encouraged to participate. If you

have a lot to say or have a strong opinion, you may want to ask someone else to facilitate

the meeting. The facilitator should intervene as little as possible and refrain from comment

on the issue under discussion. If it is going to be a large meeting it might be helpful to use

an aid for the facilitator – someone who can keep an eye on the time and check that all of

the people that have indicated that they would like to speak have been asked to do so.

On the day:

􀂄 Start the meeting with introductions.

􀂄 Make sure everyone can see an agenda.

􀂄 Give a brief overview of the meeting and explain what it is for.

􀂄 Explain any jargon or abbreviations.

􀂄 Leave plenty of time for discussion and encourage everyone to participate, ask for

contributions from people who are quiet or new.

􀂄 Keep to the times on the agenda.

􀂄 Don't let one or two individuals dominate the dialogue.

􀂄 Deal with one agenda item at a time.

􀂄 If appropriate, make sure that at the end of a discussion the group makes a clear, firm


􀂄 Make sure that everyone understands what implementing their decisions will involve –

ask members to do something specific in support of the decision they have made. This

is your chance to ensure that the membership realises that they are the ones that will

make the campaign a success. Don’t let them leave the meeting thinking that they can

leave it all up to you!

􀂄 Make sure that important issues and decisions are noted.

􀂄 At the end of the meeting explain what will happen next and when they will next be



􀂄 Think about the purpose of your meeting.

􀂄 Work out the best time to hold a meeting.

􀂄 Make sure that the venue is accessible to as many people as possible. If you have a

multi-site university or college then consider running meetings on all sites.

􀂄 Be aware of the time it will take to hold the meeting. Don’t let it go on too long.

􀂄 Think about refreshments and how they will be handled in the meeting.

􀂄 Make sure that there is a clear agenda.

􀂄 Give people clear responsibilities for specific tasks – is someone assigned to inviting the

guest speaker and looking after them on the day? Does someone have responsibility for

coordinating publicity?

􀂄 Make sure that the person facilitating the meeting knows what needs to be achieved at

the meeting and is aware of the time the meeting should last.

􀂄 Give someone the responsibility for chasing up volunteers after the meeting. If people

offer to help then make sure they are given something to do, otherwise they might not

offer in the future!

􀂄 Think about publicity after the meeting. Make sure that the decision taken at the

meeting are fed back to those that could not attend.

Esse post dá algumas dicas de como preparar reunião, como por exemplo: local , equipamentos, pauta , ata.

domingo, 27 de setembro de 2009

IV Semana Acadêmica de Secretariado Executivo

Durante os dias 28, 29 e 30 de setembro acontecerá a IV Semana Acadêmica de Secretariado Executivo no auditório da universidade Unigranrio. Estaremos comemorando o dia Nacional do Secretário (a) e 15 anos do Curso de Secretariado Executivo.

Look Within

"People spend a lifetime searching for happiness;
looking for peace.
They chase idle dreams, addictions,
religions, even other people, hoping to fill the
emptiness that plagues them.
The irony is the only place they ever
needed to search was within themselve."

Text from: Ramona L. Anderson -

"As pessoas passam a vida inteira procurando a paz e a felicidade.
Mas por ironia sempre esquecem de procurar dentro de si mesmas".

Happiness: feleicidade
Emptiness: Vazio
Within themselves: dentro de si

sábado, 26 de setembro de 2009

Administrative Professionals (Secretary's) Day

When : April 23, 2008, April 22, 2009
Administrative Professional's Week is celebrated from April 22 - 28, 2007.
National Professional Secretaries Week and National Secretary's Day was created in 1952 through the work of Harry F. Klemfuss of Young and Rubicam. Klemfuss recognized the importance and value of the position to a company or business. His goal was to encourage more women to become secretaries. Using his skill and experience in public relations, Klemfuss, promoted the values and importance of the job of secretaries. In doing so, he also created the holiday in recognition of the importance of secretaries.
Today, the title is changing and evolving. But, the recognition is equally important. There are two new terms in use today. They are "Administrative Professionals" and "Executive Admins". The two names sometimes mean different roles and responsibilities to different companies. Both are broader terms, that encompass more positions than the original "Secretary" role.
The name change recognizes and acknowledges that the role has changed significantly since 1952, and for the better at that. And in Harry Klemfuss' day, these postions were the realm of women. Today, you find some males in these positions.
The most common ways of recognizing your Administrative Professional(s) today are:
Cards, often with shopping gift certificates
Take them to lunch
Assorted Gift Baskets
Administrative Professionals Day gifts are by far the most common way of giving recognition to these most imprtant people on your staff. What is the top gift?..... Giving flowers. Maybe, before you forget, you should
order some flowers now!

Esse texto é na verdade uma curiosidade sobre o dia da secretária, por aqui comemoramos no dia 30 de setembro. Mas o dia da secretária foi criado em 1952, com o objetivo de incentivar as mulheres a se tornarem secretárias e principalmente com a finalidade de reconhecer o valor das mesmas.
O texto ainda dá algumas dicas de presentes... essa é a parte que eu adoro!!!
Como toda e qualquer outra profissão a de secretariado executivo é uma importante profissão.
Sendo dia 22,25 ou 30 o que vale é sermos lembradas com carinho que merecemos.

encourage-incentivar, encorajar
encompass-englobar, abranger

terça-feira, 22 de setembro de 2009

Dictionary: Terms of Makeup

Makeup: maquiagem
Liquid / fluid: líquidoCream: cremoso
Powder: em pó
Stick: bastão


Foundation: baseOil Free Foundation: base não oleosa
Moisturizer: hidratante
Pressed Powder: pó compacto
Finishing Powder: pó finalizador, para ser aplicado após terminada a maquiagem.
Bronzer / Bronzing: pó bronzeador
Luminizer / Highlighter: iluminador
Concealer: corretivo
Makeup remover / cleanser: removedor de maquiagem
Makeup remover / Cleanser Wipes: lenços para remover maquiagem
Shimmer: termo usado para produtos que dão brilho à pele.

Eyes / Olhos
Eyeshadow: sombra
Eyeliner: delineador
Fluidline: Deleniador em gel
Mascara: rímel, máscara para cílios
Lash / Lashes: cílios
False Eyelashes: cílios postiços
Brow / Eyebrow: sobrancelha
Lips / Lábios
Lipstick: batom
Gloss / Lipgloss: gloss
Lip plumpers: produtos que aumentam o tamanho dos lábios
Lip tint / Lip stain: produto que colore, de consistência mais leve que batom
Lip liner: delineador para lábios
Lip pencil: lápis para lábios
Lip care / Lip treatment: produtos de tratamento
Nail: unhas
Nail Polish: esmalte
Polish Remover: removedor de esmalte
Brush: pincel
Brush set / kit: kit de pincéis
Blend, blending: mesclar as cores, esfumar
Brand: marca
Moisturizer: hidratante

quarta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2009

The Secretary's Prayer

Dear Lord,

I NEED HELP. Help me to be a good secretary, and help me to have the memory of an elephant, or one at least three years long. Help me by some miracle to be able to do six things at once, answer four telephones at the same time while typing a letter that must go out today. And, when that letter doesn't get signed until tomorrow, give me the strength to keep from going over the brink of hysteria. Never let me lose patience, even when the boss has me searching the files for hours for data that is later discovered in his desk.
HELP ME to have the intelligence of a college professor; help me to understand and carry out all instructions without being given clear explanations. Let me know always just where the boss is, even though he left without telling me where he was going. And when the year ends, please let me have the foresight not to destroy records that will be asked for in a few weeks, even though I was told to destroy them all. HELP ME to keep a level head and my feet on the ground, so that my secretarial performance will be a proper reflection of the pioneer women who made a place for me in the business world, and those who established me in a profession.

A oração da Secretária é um texto divertido, apenas para descontrair já que vivemos dia-a-dia em uma constante correria, fazendo mil coisas ao mesmo tempo, sendo sempre simpática, compreensiva e gentil.
Cada uma de nós temos com certeza alguma história pra contar baseada nos nossos dias de trabalho...



Many business professionals would not be able to maintain the organization of their offices were it not for their executive secretary. Executive secretaries manage everything from answering phones to scheduling appointments. Some executive secretaries take on financial responsibilities of payroll and hiring of new employees while other executive secretaries are responsible for maintaining the technology that exists within the business, running the programs that are being used and trouble shooting any technological errors. The list of what executive secretaries can help you as a busy business person with are endless. This is why it is so important to hire the right executive secretary for you.
Hiring an executive secretary presents many of the same challenges that hiring any employee would. There are some basic educational requirements that must be met and obviously the person that you are looking to hire should be available to work during the hours that you will need her. But there are some unique skills that your executive secretary will likely need to have. As job requirements for an executive secretary will vary between job fields, below is a list of basic skills and requirements that you should look for and ask job candidates about when hiring an executive secretary.
Computer skills - In today's technological world, chances are that more times than not you will need to have an executive secretary that at least has a basic knowledge of the computer. Obviously, if your business deals primarily with computer or internet based clients, the skills of your executive secretary will need to be more advanced. Think realistically about what computer skills the job you are looking to fill will require, keeping in mind that certain things can be taught.
Communication/phone skills - Chances are that your executive secretary is going to be answering your phones for you. Keep in mind that the skills needed to do this are particularly important because how your executive secretary handles her responsibility to communicate well will reflect directly on you.
Look for skills pertinent to the line of work that you are in (or at least a working knowledge of the industry) - Your executive secretary needs to know about what line of work you are in if he or she is to avoid looking foolish to your clients and customers. A good executive secretary applicant will have done her homework and will come to an interview prepared to answer basic questions about how your company operates.
Education level - Education is important in any line of work and of course we would rather hire college graduates and honor roll students than those whose educational records are less than perfect. It is alright to be picky and to require a high level of education, however you must also keep in mind that those with a great deal of education are generally not going to be applying for the entry level type job of an executive secretary.
Appearance/work ethic - Again, your executive secretary is a representative for you and for your business. In many cases she will be the first contact that anyone has with your office. Make sure that her appearance and work ethic are in synch with what you yourself believe is appropriate.
References - We have all given lists of references to potential employees at one point or another. Unfortunately very few employers ask the right questions when talking to those listed references or they fail to call any references at all. References are also called "character references" for a reason. Be sure that when checking the references of you potential executive secretary that you ask specific questions about her character which includes such things as punctuality, respectfulness, pleasantness to work with, etc.

O texto fala da importância da secretária dentro da organização. Muitas são responsáveis por áreas de extrema importância dentro da empresa e isso só aumenta a responsabilidade do profissional de secretariado executivo.
Ainda é necessário alguns conhecimentos básicos para uma profissão como esta, é preciso ter conhecimentos de informática, chances de comunicação/competeências de telefone, nível de ensino, aparência/ética de trabalho, referências, além de muita simpatia.

maintain - manter
scheduling - agendamento
endless - interminável
knowledge - conhecimento
taught - ensinado

Executive Secretary Duties and Responsibilities

Working independently and without need for on-site supervision, the Executive Secretary functions as the office manager. He or she is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the corporation, and provides full Headquarters support to our one thousand members in over fifty countries. The Executive Secretary hires and supervises any paid office staff, coordinates all volunteer office workers, and routinely handles unusual problems under difficult circumstances in what is sometimes an unsettled environment.

The Executive Secretary acts as liaison between management levels within the organization, supporting volunteer Regional Coordinators and Committee Chairs with information, materials and assistance in handling of corporate funds. He or she maintains up-to-date Field Organization records; assists with the logistics and organization of the Annual Membership Meeting and any Regional Membership Meetings; and manages all correspondence directed to the company.
O texto acima fala sobre a importância do Secretário Executivo nas empresas, e aborda algumas vantagens como por exemplo, não precisar de supervisão e poder trabalhar independente diferentemente da maioria das profissões. Em contra partida temos um cargo de grande responsabilidade pois ficamos responsavéis pelas operações rotineiras do dia-a-dia, como por exemplo supervisionar os outros subordinados e ser canal de comunicação entre estes e o chefe.

sexta-feira, 11 de setembro de 2009

Mistakes are lessons

When you make a mistake, don't look back at it long.
Take the reason of the thing into your mind and then look forward.
Mistakes are lessons of wisdom.
The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power.

Hugh White US politician (1773 - 1840)

Text from:

Os erros são lições de sabedoria.
Quando cometer um erro não olhe para trás por muito tempo.
O passado não pode ser mudado, mais o futuro está em seu poder.

Look forward: olhar para a frente
Wisdom: sabedoria

terça-feira, 8 de setembro de 2009

The Executive Professional

The importance of training the Executive Secretarial in the companies becomes more and more evident every day.

The secretary who used to only execute tasks, now acts plays a role as a facilitator , versatile, being able to articulate and implement innovations, contributing to improving quality, optimizing their activities.

segunda-feira, 7 de setembro de 2009

Good Telephone Procedures

Remember that you are representing your department and etiquette is very important. Using phrases such as "thank you" and "please" are essential in displaying a professional atmosphere.

•Make sure to answer before the third ring.
Examples of greetings can be: "Telephone Services, may I help you?" or
"Good morning" get the idea. Use a greeting that is going to give the caller the impression that we are in fact professional and pleasant.

•If you are currently on one line and another line rings:
Tell the first caller to "Please hold."
Place caller on hold.
Answer the ringing line saying, "[Department name]--please hold."
Place second caller on hold.
Return to first caller and complete the call.
Go back to the second caller.
Say, "Thank you for holding, may I help you?"

Text from:

Procedimento para um bom atendimento telefônico

É importante lembrar que quando você faz o atendimento telefônico, é o representante da empresa, atenda ao telefone com entusiasmo, no ato do atendimento identificar-se e fazer uma saudação de "bom dia", “boa tarde” ou " boa noite" usar sempre frases como "obrigado", "por favor", "posso ajudar?"
Não deixar telefone tocar muitas vezes.

Make sure: Certifique-se de
Pleasant: agradável
Currently: atualmente
Go back to: voltar para



Positions in this job family are assigned responsibilities for performing confidential secretarial duties for an agency official or administrator.

Typical functions:

The functions within this job family will vary by level, but may include the following:

Opens, scans or reads and distributes mail; composes official correspondence for supervisor’s signature, disposes of routine correspondence.

Screens telephone calls; provides information or refers callers to appropriate staff members; answers inquiries.

Receives visitors; answers inquiries personally or refers to appropriate official.

Arranges for special conferences and meetings; maintains supervisor’s calendar, advising of commitments; arranges for travel itinerary and accommodations; prepares and submits travel claims and expense account.

Independently researches, assembles and summarizes material, information and data for administrative board or commission consideration and action; takes and transcribes dictation of confidential, technical or legal material requiring a high degree of accuracy; records and transcribes proceedings of meetings and conferences.

Appears before legislative committee hearings either alone or in the company of supervisor to present facts relative to agency programs, mission and/or budget; drafts proposed legislation; proposes budget items; confers with administrators on matters of staffing, budget and purchasing and contracts and/or policy.

Supervises administrative or clerical assistants.


The Secretary job family consists of five levels which are distinguished based on organizational and reporting structure. The following definitions of administration/management apply:

First Level Managers - Are individuals who have supervisory staff reporting to them.

Mid Level Managers - Are the individuals who have supervisory responsibility over first-level managers.

Assistant Director - The second level of administration within an agency or subagency.

Administrator of a major service area - The head of a major agency function as defined by the overall mission and goal of the agency.

Assistant administrator of a major service area - An assistant to the head of a major agency function as defined by the overall mission and goal of the agency.

Fonte: Texto disponibilizado pela professora Norma Lirio em 02/09/2009, para as alunas de Lingua Inglesa I do curso de Secretariado Executivo da Unigranrio.

Esse post fala das principais funcões de uma secretária: atendimento telefonico, organização de reuniões, , confeção, recepção de visitantes, entre outras.

Advising of commitments = assessorar pessoas e compromissos

Travel claims = Solicitação de viagem

Expense account = prestação de contas