sexta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2009

How to Be an Efficient and Organized Secretary

Being a good secretary means being dedicated, focused and well organized. It requires the ability to spell properly and to use English grammar well so that you can express yourself clearly in writing. More than this, you become an indispensable part of a team when you perform the job well, making your employment more secure and interesting.


• Always be on time. Being on time for work is a great opportunity to make your boss happy. Being late can make him/her rather mad.

• Always be ready to answer unexpected questions,also have answers for anticipated questions ready in the event that your boss wants you to provide information during meetings,etc. He may even ask you to write an entire speech for him. Staying on track with his goals and the direction that things are taking in your company will serve you well when you are made a point-man for given issues.

• Always know your boss's schedule. If your boss has a meeting and forgets about it,you are then able inform him to be prepared half-an-hour in advance (or an hour depending on how organized/busy he is).

• Be ready to answer phone calls. If an important phone call comes for your boss, you will have to answer it. Have a standard greeting to use that will maximize P in your boss's absence like, " Hello, _______(this is the office of 'boss's name, company') this is his secretary speaking. How may I help you? Obtain the caller's name, phone number, and best time to return his call. Follow up the call promptly by getting the message to your boss . This is good business practice and may land your boss an account because he was able to get back to the client (or whomever) in a timely manner as a result of your dilligence. It will also earn you points with your boss.
Text from:

Dicas para ser uma exelente profissional:
- Ser organizada e eficiente
- Ser pontual
- Estar sempre atenta à agenda do chefe, sabendo responder de imediato horários e compromissos do mesmo.
- Buscar soluções para os problemas e nunca deixá-los para depois.
- Na ausência do chefe atender as ligações de forma correta, nunca esquecer de anotar: data, hora, assunto e empresa e / ou nome de quem ligou.
OBS: anote sempre , pois assim não correrá o risco de esquecer algum recado.

Employment: emprego
Issues: questões
Unexpected: inesperado

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